First off, I really think those words are going to be dead in 2023. People have been using the same words over and over again to describe themselves and their businesses and people are just sick of that in 2022. I know myself when I see a bio with the word authentic or Empower rain or girlboss I just kind of row my eyes, and it does a lot more for me when I see someone using unique words that actually describe them.
So in 2023, I really recommend that you ditched the buzz words. If words like authentic or empowering are in your brand voice, I would really recommend finding words that feel more unique to you and unique to your brand and your way of being. You could talk to a copywriter or just really look through words that speak to you and speak to how you want to be and how you want to be described.
Trends Aren’t Gonna Cut It Anymore
It's crazy how quickly Tik-Tok developed and really kick-started a huge Trend face on social media. Trends were everywhere and everybody wanted to hop on one so that they could get seen and people can interact with their brand. But trenza loans don't send that people apart. Unless you're doing something super unique with the trend, but even then that's not a reason alone for people to follow and connect with you. The people that you want to follow you want thought leaders not Trend followers.
Trends come and go so quick, so create content Beyond Trends. It's fine if you want to use Trends to get more eyes on your content but the your contents value should come from what you're putting into it from yourself, not just the trend. Push yourself a little 2 share more about yourself - videos of your life, your voiceovers, your short-form videos- not just tends (but feel free to do those too!)
I’ve seen so many managers who were just showing off trends, but Instagram and TikTok itself will tell you what’s a trend! We have lost the need for people to tell us what’s trendy- because the app itself will tell us what audios and trends are coming up. You can always see the little diagonal upward arrow by an audio if it’s starting to take off! Social media managers and strategists need to be telling you more than just what’s trend- that’s not real strategy.
I think IG is the best homebase for social media, but people have lost so much trust in apps themselves, especially in 2022. We’ve become more savvy to not owning the app and wanting to move somewhere we actually own- like emails or SMS messaging.
Some people prefer text or email- but I totally see people moving more to these forms of marketing and I totally suggest this as something to think about and explore! These spaces also help nurture warmer leads and create more connected spaces for people. Create more content for them- people who love your content will love hearing from you!
Instagram and others app are also getting savvy to more and more people taking their content off their apps and onto other platforms - and they don’t want that! So to keep us onboard, Instagram has rolled out subscriptions and similar features to try to keep creators creating on the app.
We’ve definitely seen how Instagram especially kinda got ahead of themselves- and noticed people were leaving because of it. These apps are gonna work way harder to keep you on their app in 2023, with new features, more listening, and really trying to give us what we want.
Because of apps trying to keep us on them, I predict there’s going to be new features for us to play with and explore in 2023. This can be totally overwhelming, but I see a lot of new features coming up and there’s a lot of exposure when people try these new features early!
It can feel daunting, but feel free to try new features and explore! Lean in to what’s coming out as it comes out, instead of resisting it. You never know what might feel really good and serve your business! So, lean in to change and be willing to experiment!
We need more accessibility in social media- just, period. And I think people are getting more aware of that, and really listening. Some easy options for great accessibility is to please use captions in your videos, use descriptions when applicable, and don’t use major flashing lights just, ever. Another good thing to watch for is using similar colors on top of each other that can’t be seen easily, or using alt text to help things be more accessible in your captions.
Explore simple ways you can make your content more accessible and approachable for all users of social media- and I dare say that’s just the bare minimum.
I know there’s a lot of recession talk, and I know it’s a lot to take in right now- but I know we’re gonna make it through 2023. We’ve made it through a crazy two years and together, we’re gonna make it through another one. I hope these predictions give you some confidence as you reinvent or imagine your 2023 social media strategy, and give you some ideas how to set yourself apart and really connect with people this upcoming year.
The end of the year is always a big time business owners realize they want some social media support- and if you’ve considered using social media management- I’d love to skyrocket your social media in 2023! I can help you keep your social media consistent for you and give you new ideas and angles to share from.
Together, let’s create a beautiful social media footprint that really feels like you and connects with your audience. I truly have all kinds of clients, and I’d love to have a kind like you too.
Work with me here!
Listen to the podcast that this episode was created from HERE.